
What is Fluentd

It is a event/data collection tool. We can have multiple applications with tons of different logs formats. Fluentd tries to unify them.

It is extensible, the core program is small, and does only the main stuff.

  • Divide & Conquer
  • Buffering & Retries
  • Error Handling
  • Message Routing
  • Parallelism

It delegate the rest to the users via plugins, reading data, parsing data, buffering data, write data.

It is reliable, it is important to not loose data. Fluentd tries to move the data in small pieces and checks if the data passed successfully if not it retries.

Fluentd can tag the data and route it according to the label.

Use Cases

Simple Forwarding

You have some simple files that and logs from a port and want to forward them to mongodb. Here is a simple configuration example.

logs from a file

    type tail
    path /var/log/httpd.log 
    format apache2
    tag web.access

logs from client libraries

    type forward 
    port 24224

store logs to ES and HDFS

<source backend.* >
    type mongo 
    database fluent
    collection test

Lambda Architecture